Leadership Lessons from Darth Vader

I have interviewed many aviation maintenance managers over the years. Just about every one of them would tell you that they developed their leadership skills by observing and learning from others as they climbed their career ladders. They adapted the positive skills from great leaders and learned what not to do from bad leaders.

I couldn’t think of a better way of celebrating the opening weekend of the latest Star Wars movie than by sharing an article that discusses leadership lessons learned from one of the most famous movie villains of all time – Darth Vader. Here is a link to the article “Darth, we need to talk about your leadership style” by Rick Lash:



Joe Escobar


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D.O.M. magazine is the premier magazine for aviation maintenance management professionals. Its management-focused editorial provides information maintenance managers need and want including business best practices, professional development, regulatory, quality management, legal issues and more. The digital version of D.O.M. magazine is available for free on all devices (iOS, Android, and Amazon Kindle).

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Joe Escobar (jescobar@dommagazine.com)
Editorial Director

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